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Bar/ Restaurant/ Nightclub Opportunity in Chapel Street Prahran

$ 130,000
Chapel St Prahran, Prahran, Victoria
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Lev Khazhiner

Phone:Lev Khazhiner

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Property Description

Currently trading as a restaurant/ bar/ functions

Quick Facts:

  • 1 am On-Premises liquor license in place for 186 patrons.
  • 2 levels premises
  • Rent: $96,513 + gst + outgoings
  • Lease: 4 x 4x 4 = 12 years in total
  • Full commercial kitchen
  • Fantastic fit-out (only 2 years old)
  • Weekly Takings approx. $12,000
  • Huge scope to extend business operating hours
  • 15 kgs of coffee per week

Priced for a quick sale $130,000 + WIWO

Contact Lev Khazhiner Today on 0411 705 913

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(a) all information given in relation to the business and/or property contained in this document is given without responsibility and LK Business Brokers hereby disclaims all responsibility for any harm, loss, cost or damage resulting from use or reliance upon, the whole or any part of that information by any prospective purchaser, lender or any other person, if any part of that information is inaccurate or incomplete; and
(b) LK Business Brokers are not valuers and make no comment as to value and give no warranty as to the accuracy of the information contained in this document, and that intending purchasers must satisfy themselves as to the truth or accuracy of all information given by their own inspections, searches, enquiries, advices or as is otherwise necessary.
Each recipient of this document acknowledges and accepts that LK Business Brokers is not liable in any way to the recipient of this document as a result of any information, statement or warranty contained in this document.


LKBB are specialists RTO business brokers and are highly experienced in RTO Sales, Acquisitions and Mergers. We pride our selves on providing honest appraisals and achieving great results for our valued clients. Lev Khazhiner is a specialist RTO business broker who understands the mechanics of RTO sales and regulatory processes. If your looking to buy or sell your RTO/ education business please contact Lev for a confidential friendly chat.

Address: Chapel St Prahran
Zip: 3181
Country: Australia
Property Id: 18834
Price: $ 130,000
