We all define success differently. For some, it might be the ability to purchase a nice car or take a fabulous vacation. For others, it might mean being able to provide for one’s family. I think it’s [more]
Teresa McDowell is the founder of organic skin care business, Hemp Hemp Hooray. In the early years of her business, Teresa sold her products at markets while raising a young family. In the past two ye [more]
So what exactly is the recipe to make you successful? It’s difficult to conclusively define what makes any one individual achieve greatness, but there are certain general qualities that these pe [more]
As a label, the word “entrepreneur” really is fascinating. When my friends and I were starting up our first Virgin businesses in the early ‘70s, no one seemed to understand what we were doing. Some im [more]
Emotional intelligence is an asset in all parts of life, none more so than in business.
Bosses with high EI will almost certainly have a big advantage in the heady corporate world as they are best [more]
When it comes to the entrepreneurs that own the spotlight, we all know them by name. Zuckerberg, Spiegel, Sims — the CEOs of companies like Facebook, Snapchat andCodecademy – all have one thing in com [more]
How to decide?
To decide on the best structure, you should think about:
- what sort of business you will establish;
- the expected income;
- the tax structure and how the business income will affe [more]
Finding a good mentor, however, can be harder than finding the right person to marry. You may get lucky and end up at a company with a formal mentorship program, but most organizations don’t have syst [more]
Whether it’s evolutionary – continuous, incremental advancements – or revolutionary – new, disruptive innovation – we’re all looking for the ideas that will help us deliver better services and product [more]
While a leader can be a boss, not every boss is a leader. Although leaders and bosses have nearly identical definitions, in effect, they are different in today’s competitive world.