The 10 Lessons We Learn From Ari Gold

Ari Gold is easily one of our favorite characters on “Entourage.” He is truly an elite man, from his unorthodox business antics to the way he carries himself.
Although many may not agree with Ari’s style we cannot take anything away from this man. When push comes to shove you can always count on this man to get the job done.
With that said there are many life lessons that we can learn from Ari. Follow these lessons and you will be successful in any field of your choosing. Here are The 10 Lessons We Learn From Ari Gold.
10. Be brutally honest and straight to the point.
Many of us grew to like Ari for his brash way of communication. Ari was never one to hold anything back. When it comes to making a point, no one does it better than Ari Gold. He is not one to beat around the bush. This way of dealing with things is very effective and it gets those around you to actually produce. “I always knew that you like dick, Babs. I just didn’t know you were a cocksucker.”
9. If you want to live a certain lifestyle you’re going to have to work for it.
Ari was notoriously chastised by his wife for constantly being on his phone. This was not because he didn’t care for her or his family, it’s just that he understood that if he wants to live a certain lifestyle, he’s going to have to work for it. One of his memorable quotes portrays this idea. “You can have it if you want to live in Agora fucking hills, and go to group therapy, but if you want a Beverly Hills mansion, a country club membership, and nine weeks a year in a Tuscan villa, then I’m gonna need to take a call when it comes in at noon on a motherfucking Wednesday.”
8. Always finish first.
Take care of all your work at the office. Complete all of your household duties. The golden key is to stop the stress before it begins to approach. Ari’s key to success was to ‘stay ahead and stay active.’
7. Have a good team around you.
Your network equals your net worth. Ari shows us the importance of having a team around him. Although Ari may not be the best at everything he does, he knows the right people to get what he needs done. While one should always remain entirely self-sufficient to the best of his abilities, some goals will require collaborative work. It is these moments when who you know becomes crucial.
6. Stay in shape.
No matter how much he worked. Ari always found some time to stay in shape. Now you don’t have to be looking like The Rock, but being in shape allows you to think clearly. It is a form of stress relief. What better way to clear your mind of the week’s stress than by going for a nice long jog. Everyone judges you by your appearance, staying in shape keeps you looking healthy.
5. 24/7 lifestyle.
While some work for a living, the successful create a lifestyle from their work. You must keep yourself available to new opportunities. Be aggressive enough to out-perform all of your peers. While others are sleeping, you are working. While others are on vacation, you are working. If you want to make it to the top and stay there, you must constantly worry about staying ahead of everyone.
4. Friendship in business can work, you must hold each other accountable.
People always argue that you cannot work with friends and family. Keeping everyone down to earth around you is of the utmost importance. Working with those closest to you requires that you hold each other even more accountable. True friends are the individuals that will refuse to spare your feelings if accomplishing a greater task is at hand. Ari taught us the importance of remaining rigorous and focused for the end goal.
3. Diversifying your goals.
Whether it was acquiring new talent, expanding business ventures, running his own studio or even exploring new industries for the sake of expanding his brand and legacy, Ari Gold’s hunger for success was never satiated. Pursuing new ambitions never meant that previous ones were forsaken. Compounding his myriad of goals into a force is what turned a business into an empire.
2. Don’t take shit from your competitors.
Once a competitor encroaches upon your business, it becomes imperative to eradicate them. An unforgettable moment in the ‘Entourage’ series was when Ari dismantled a competing agency and walked into their office with a paintball gun. Annihilating your enemies by out-performing them and subsequently humiliating them will bring unbelievable satisfaction.
1. Ari shows that being an asshole is useful if you know how to limit it and use it in the proper occasion.
People most often judge Ari as being a pompous asshole. Yet, at the end of the day if you call on Ari Gold and his team, the work will get done. His strongest asset is that he is brash and straight to the point when he speaks and asks for things. Not because he doesn’t care about you, but some people only understand you when you act like an asshole to them. Anyone can be an asshole, Ari just knows when to and when not to be one.
Bonus: Be a family man.
Despite having Hollywood in the palm of his hands, and much financial success, Ari always came back to his family. A man only truly needs his wife and children; all other relationships are extraneous. While we may grow tired of their antics quite frequently, the individuals comprising your family will always be near when you are in need of aid. The ability to take care of those that mean the most to you is invaluably satisfying.